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Churning extra fat reduces body fat!

Green chillies usually we use to increase the taste of our food. But this raw chilli has a special ingredient that increases the intake of peppercorns. This capsicin contains vitamins A, C, B6, Iron, Potassium and very little protein and carbohydrate. These ingredients are fun to eat because of the saliva in the mouth. They are also very useful for skin and health. Check out this today's report on some of the wonderful health benefits of raw chili:


1. Playing chili with fat is not afraid to play fat. Because chapatti is destroyed by eating cherries with food. As a result slim can be.

2. Playing a single chili per day reduces the risk of blood clotting. When chilly pepper starts playing in the dark, the body gets cold through sweating.

3. Regular chili pepper reduces the heart problems.

4. Chillies help to burn calories by increasing metabolism.

5. The raw chillies contain plenty of antioxidant beta carotene which keep the cardovascular system efficient.

6. Adjusting cholitics regularly leads to increased immunity.

7. Chili pepper reduces blood cholesterol.

8. There is a raw chilli Vitamin A which helps keep the bones, teeth and mucus membranes better.

9. The raw chillies contain a lot of vitamin C which protects gums and hair.

10. Playing regular chillies reduces various problems of nerves.

However, raw chili is good to eat raw. Because the temperature of 370 ° C is used to boil the glass of roasted coconut or its existing Vitamin C is wasted due to the consumption of violet. So get the real benefits of eating chili cottage with a daily diet.

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