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How to reduce excess fat by quickly.

How many people do not do much to reduce body weight. To reduce excess fat in the body, some people have reduced their eating habits. There are many restrictions in compliance. Still not losing weight. However, if there is little awareness about daily diet, excess fat will not get in the body. There is no substitute for fast body weight reduction. Below are seven good results for weight loss:


Apple: Reduce the amount of fat in the body as well as filling the pectin fiber in the apple. Eating apple before eating a heavy meal is so beneficial.

Watermelon: Remove watermelon constipation. Helps to weigh the weight. With a watermelon reduction in the day, fat will not be able to accumulate.

Lemon: Lemon contains Vitamin C and citric acid. Which reduces the amount of obesity.

Coconut: Coconut regulates blood sugar levels by increasing liver metabolism rates. As a result, weight is controlled by weight.

Bedana: Low Density Lipoprotein decreases in the body of the pain. Reduce the rate of feed.

If you want to more information for reduce fat click here

Papaya: Papaya reduces the amount of blood sugar. Blood sugar oscillation signs

Orange: There are plenty of water, vitamins and fiber in oranges. Removes constipation. As a result, body weight is in control.

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