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Advantages and disadvantages of garlic.

Advantages and disadvantages of garlic.
Garlic is a spicy food ingredient. The use of garlic as cooking spice is coming from the beginning of creation. Not only to increase the taste of the cooking, nutritious nutrients of garlic have reached garlic in one of the lists. So cooking as well as garlic also works as a fond of keeping good health. Many years ago, garlic has been used as a medicine. Almost every nation in the world has been using garlic to cure various diseases. Garlic contains plenty of moisture, protein, fat, mineral fiber and carbohydrate. Vitamin and mineral contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin C Besides, there are small amounts of iodine, sulfur and chlorine in garlic. Playing garlic on empty stomach removes various diseases, as well as resistance against various diseases can be developed. Click here to know the benefits of eating garlic in an empty stomach:


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Natural antibiotic
Studies have shown that eating lemon juice in an empty stomach works like a strong antibiotic. It works more efficiently after eating garlic before breakfast. Especially eating empty juice of garlic causes bacteria to open and then bacteria lose to garlic. As a result, the body's harmful bacteria can not be saved.

High blood pressure control
Numerous people who suffer from high blood pressure, have seen some high blood pressure symptoms as a result of eating garlic. Because of their eating of garlic they see good changes in the body.

Good for the intestines
By eating garlic in an empty stomach, the liver and bladder perform their functions properly. Also, it eliminates abdominal problems such as diarrhea. This garlic acts as a stimulant for digestion and hunger. Therefore, it is very helpful to remove garlic extract. It is also able to remove stress. We may have problems with gastric due to stress or stress. So, playing garlic on an empty stomach helps in reducing our problems by reducing our nervous pressure. This garlic also removes many problems of digestion.

De-toxify the body
Garlic plays an important role in de-toxifiating the body compared to other medicines. According to experts, garlic parasite, remedies of worms, obesity, severe fever, diabetes, depression and cancer are very useful in preventing diseases.



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The garlic, tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis, lung congestion, hapani, hooping cough etc. There are sources of ways to cure all diseases in garlic.

Tuberculosis resistant
So many things in garlic that if you have a problem with tuberculosis or TB, then split a whole garlic in a few parts throughout the day and eat it again and again. Potential for Tuberculosis Disease

Increase in immunity
In the prevention of diseases, if you swallow one Koa garlic every morning after breakfast. Do not chew, just swallow. This will increase the immunity of the body and will be released from the health problems during the period of change.

Problem release of digestion
Take 2/3 garlic curry leaves and take a little bit of it. Treat it with vegetables or eating it like this. This will avoid the problems of digestion. And the problem of coastal settlement will be solved.



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Freezing from freezing
A lot of good luck for caffeine. Spoon 1/2 teaspoon garlic with very little oil and eat it with 1 table spoon sweet before going to bed at night. If it is eaten regularly then you can get rid of the cough caused by chest.

The role of garlic to increase sexuality
Every day the rules of the body of some raw garlic plays a long period of youth. Those who have lost their youth in adulthood, they can eat two karao garlic pure ghee on a pure ghee every day. But after drinking it should be a little hot water or milk. Good results can be found here.

To protect the youth, garlic can be eaten in other ways. One or two koya garlic bakata with raw amalakira or one spoon can be eaten. It is the longevity of both men and women.

Heart recovery
Garlic provides many benefits to the heart. Garlic is very helpful in reducing cholesterol. This is because the risk of heart attack is low. Therefore, the juice is very beneficial for heart. Cholesterol levels are low in the amount of khoya raw or semi-boiled every day. Garlic also works to keep blood sugar levels and blood sugar levels. The sulfur-based compound allyin in garlic has a positive effect on health. In this case, one thing must be kept in mind, garlic raw food is the best. If it is cooked, it will be eaten allyin as the medicinal quality decreases.

Prevents the pluck to accumulate
Garlic prevents the plaque from submitting to the vein. Moreover, garlic protects against chronic disease of atherosclerosis. The vein helps in blocking the clotting of the vein.

Git arthritis solution
Garlic gut helps in many diseases. Git arthritis can be adjusted regularly by playing 2 quasar.


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To cure the body
Garlic juice helps to clean any pus and pain in the body. When this pooja or boil is done, after drying it after drying 15 minutes after drying garlic, it gets cured quickly and quickly. Dosha, cholera helps to get rid of lemon juice from garbage. This garlic is released from the spills of garlic.

Garlic to prevent cancer
Colon cancer prevents this garlic. Globalda also keeps free from cancer. Reduces the risk of women's breast cancer. Even protects from rectal cancer. Garlic plays a big role in preventing prostate cancer. This garlic is East

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