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Because of the habits that increase weight gain.

Due to some of our habits, weight gain increases. These practices can easily make the transition easier by changing our weight. So, along with the right diet chart and exercise, we should know about our habits - which makes our weight increase.


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(1) eat in front of a TV or computer

If we used to watch TV watching, we would have eaten extraly on our own. Because then we have our attention towards the TV. The stomach may be filled long ago, but still only eat it as there is food in front. It is called - mindless calorie consumption

(2) Eat big plates

We usually take the food in the plate as long as our plate is not filled. Now if the plate is extra large then it is enough for our body to eat half of it, but we think that half a plate will fill the stomach by eating food? So there is not a full plate filled with food. So do not eat large plates and have to practice eating small plates. It is better to eat 8.5 to 10 inch diameter plates.

(3) Take extra stress

Extra Stress in a busy age is a cause of increased abdominal weight. Stress is the cause of cortisol in our body, it is also stress-stress hormone. If this cortisol is very much in the bloodstream, weight gain can be the reason. Because the excess cortisol helps the body to release insulin which will increase your appetite. So, the more cortisol you have, the more hunger you feel and the more you eat. When you feel stress, cortisol increases your blood sugar. But when the time of Stress is cut-this is your blood sugar high level. So this extra glucose is deposited as fat in your body.

(4) Do not use the stairs

Nowadays, because of the elevator at home, office and market, many people do not even use the stairs to get to the second floor. This practice gradually makes us lazy. So we can keep our weight under various small tasks. For example, to use the stairs, to travel somewhere near the bus, rickshaw and walk without practice.

(5) eat less protein              

Those who have a lot of carb in the food list, will gain weight. So everything will eat in modest quantities. Eat protein with other foods, because digesting your body to burn more calories when playing proteins. Seafood and skinned chicken can eat as proteins.

(6) Accepted much more Liquid Calories

If we are out of the house, then instead of water, we rely on juice, soft drinks. To eat outside, there is very little to see that there is less water than soft drinks. Because they have eaten stomachs, we often eat them too much. But there are plenty of calories, although they are small in quantity. As a result, people who drink this frequently or frequently, get faster weight gain.

(7) Sleep less than needs

Sleep irregularity is a cause of weight gain. Studies have shown that those who slept 5 to 5 hours sleep more than 7 hours who are sleeping less than their weight. This is because leptin and ghrelin hormones. If sleep is less then leptin level decreases and ghrelin level increases. High ghrelin increases our appetite. On the other hand, due to low leptin, it seems to me that hunger does not subside. So, after a while you will have it to eat it.

(8) Do not snack

Many people wake up because they wake up in the morning. Someone in the office, someone to give a child to school, and some to market. But it is important for us all to remember that if we do not have breakfast in the morning it will make our path of growth easier. NASA begins with full enthusiasm in our metabolism which is important for burning calories in the right rule. If you do not take breakfast then more food becomes more due to the feeling of hunger at noon. Many do not want to wake up in the morning and eat something. But there is nothing to worry about it. You should eat some light meal in two hours after sleeping so that the stomach is not empty.

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(9) Eat food without calculating the amount of food

We do not record the amount of calories we take for most of the time. If we want to reduce the weight of what we are eating every day, do not keep records as to how much calories we need to burn. If you wish that you do not take more than 1400 calories a day, then share calories for morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night for different time periods. Keep counting per bell if you eat more than once and you can adjust it later and eat less. You may have taken 250 calories at night but you have calculated that you have taken 1200 calories throughout the day, then you take 200 calories in the night so that the daily calorie intake is not more than 1400. If you ate an ice cream, write it down, and when you do exercise, calculate the amount of calories you take for ice cream.


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(10) Eat too early

There are many people who do not waste much time to eat after eating very fast food. They do not realize how much they actually eat. Maybe eating 3/4 tablespoons rice more quickly, or instead of 2 to eat 4 breads. So wait for 7/8 seconds after giving me three times a meal. Try to understand how much you need to eat or how often you take food.

(11) rely on Gym machine monitor

Many Gyms do not come just like the amount of calorie burning in this Treadmill monitor. That is, the more you burn, the more you burn it will appear. Look at what you think will burn more than you need to burn calories

(12) Do not drink water before eating

We usually get to the food in the empty stomach beforehand. If you drink a glass of water every time before eating it will be easier to control weight. Because the water will take some of your stomach's space for yourself, you will not be able to eat excessively. You can eat herbal tea instead of water. If you do not like water only one slice lemon can be taken in water.

(13) Do not stay in the gym with everyone

Since Gym has a long time, it is very annoying to be alone there. For this reason many do not want to go to the gym, and the home itself is not exercised anymore. Some people got admitted to the gym but left alone for a few days after being alone. So try any of your friends or any other family members in the gym with you. Or try to mix matches with those who are around you in the gym. During the treadmil or cycling, talk to the girl next to you to keep talking about the time spent watching. Or exercise for a little while, while taking rest for 3/4 minutes, you can restart talking with those who are around beside them.

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(14) Do not eat long time

If we do not share it at 3 o'clock in the morning, then we will be very hungry when we eat at breakfast and eat more. So share more about food time. Take breakfast at 8am, an apple dinner at 11am, lunch at 2pm, from 5 pm to 5:30 pm, such as semi-cup noodles or semi-cup mudi khan, then finish the dinner by 8 pm to 9 pm. This will keep your stomach filled throughout the day and do not eat extra at any time.

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