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Is sex really important?

You need sex to make life beautiful and easy. But it is not just sex, it should be fun and regular in sex. Even regular humorous sex will increase the life expectancy. Organizing these times for New Day readers, the benefits of sex. Reduce stress: Sex helps reduce stress. If there is no other way to reduce stress, sex can be easy and effective.



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Is sex really important?
Dopamine hormone secretion during sex increases. Dopamine is called 'happiness hormone'. Dopamine reduces the functioning of certain types of hormones, such as endometrium. One of the reasons for increased stress is the increase in tendency of Andromamin.
You can take it as a waste: You can also take sex as a body practice. The rate of breathing increases during sex. As a result, excess fat can not accumulate in the body. It is estimated that, if the total number of fifteen minutes for three times a week, the weight of the calories is converted to 7.5 calories a year. Although surprisingly, if you have sex fifteen minutes three times a week, the power of 75 miles in the same way is lost. In addition to the body of sex, the body increases oxygen intake. The muscles and bones are stronger in this.
Sex to control blood pressure: Lowering blood pressure during sex also decreases. However, not only sex, but also during emotional blood pressure, blood pressure becomes in normal control. One such work is to engage in sexual intercourse.
Sex will increase the immunity of diseases: Sex also increases the immunity prevention. Cure diseases like cough synergic can not be consulted by the doctor's advice to the relatives of the sexual partner. Immunoglobin in our body with flu-like diseases As the amount of sex increases, the amount of immunoglobin A in the body continues to grow.

Keep Youth: Many want to be young. There is no word for them either. The importance of sexual relations is immense to hold youth. According to a Scotts researchers, you will feel at least 10 years old if you have sex three times a week.
Heart-to-heart sex: You can have regular sex to take care of your heart. Even sex can save people from dangers like heart attack. But the condition is that the entire process of sex alone will be enjoyable. According to the research by the New England Research Institute, if the sex life of a man is normal, the risk of heart attack may be reduced by 45 percent.
For relief from pain: Even if you are a migraine sufferers or have painful problems in the body, you can also choose sex as a solution to the problem.
To increase mutual confidence: Someone may feel suspicious about a friend or a girlfriend. Generally lovers and lovers have time to argue and dispute. As a result, the probability of breaking the relationship increases. There is no word of suspicion. Sex is the effective solution. Sex increases the activity of the oxytocin named Hormone. Oxytocin helps to increase trust and confidence between lovers and lovers.

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Reduces the risk of cancer: Regular radiation decreases the likelihood of prostate cancer. A study in Australasia showed that at least 21 times of menstrual emission decreased their risk of cancer.
Increase muscle strength: Many muscles in the body are useful for sex during sex. Musculoskeletal and muscular muscles with many muscles in the body also become healthy by regular sex.
Sex for good sleep: There is no pair of sex as a good body practice. Therefore, sex is important for those who have sleep problems. The body and mind are good because of regular sex. As a result, there is no sleep problem at night.

Keep the ovaries normal: sometimes due to stress, the ovaries may stop. You know, there is no sex to reduce stress. So, if there is an abnormality in the sunlight, then concentrate on sex life. Regular sex will make your sunscreen normal. In addition, sexually transmitted hormones in the body that keep the ovaries normal.


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Lives for a long time: One of the reasons for long life is to remain stress free. As sex reduces stress, sex increases life expectancy.

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