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Advantages of eating raw gram in the morning.

 Every 100 grams of food grains are processed with honey, about 18 grams of carbohydrate, 65 grams of fat, only 5 grams of fat, 200 milligrams of calcium, vitamin A is about 192 micrograms and there is a lot of vitamin B1 and B-2.

Raw Gram

There are also various types of Vitamin, Mineral salt, Magnesium and Phosphorus in Cholay. There are also many more benefits. High protein protein rich foods Raw, boiled or curry can be eaten without cooking. The raw grams can be cooked, excreted, and played with raw adhesives and will also be able to eat meat and antibiotics simultaneously. It makes humans strong and healthy. And antibiotics fight against any disease. Some of the coolest additions are:

As a pulse: granules nourishing a pulse. It is an excellent source of molybdenum and manganese. There are plenty of foliage and food fibers in the granules, along with amis, triptophan, copper, phosphorus and iron.

To reduce the risk of heart disease: Australian researchers have shown that adding cholesterol to the diet reduces total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels. There are both soluble and odorous food fibers which reduce the risk of heart attack. Fennel, Potassium, Vitamin 'C' and Vitamin B-6 help keep the heart healthy. As a result, the risk of heart disease decreases. Its pulses are fiber which helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. One study found that, 4069 milligrams of cholesterol daily, their risk of heart disease decreased by 49%.

To control blood pressure: A study published in the Journal of American Medical Association showed that the tendency of hypertension decreases in young people who eat too much Folic Acid foods. Since there is a good amount of folic acid in the spleen, it is easy to control the blood pressure by playing the gram. Besides, cholera helps in maintaining the heart health of the girls later on.

Blood Transfusion: Another study found that blood circulation increased on the feet of their feet by eating 1/12 cup gram flour, bean and pea each day. Moreover, the isolation in the Cholaya increases the efficiency of the arteries of people with ischemic strokes.

To prevent cancer, the Korean researchers have proved in their studies that taking treatment with high amounts of folic acid can help women to free themselves from the risk of colon cancer and rectal cancer. Folic acid also reduces the amount of blood allergies and reduces the incidence of asthma. And so eat regular pork and stay healthy.

Ramadan: Popular meal during the Iftar during Ramadan is Chola. In our country, peas of pulses are eaten in many ways. The body is strong, strong, strong in the bone, its role is essential to increase disease resistance. It contains plenty of potassium

Cholesterol: Cholera reduces unnecessary cholesterol in the body. Most of the fat or oils in grams are polyunsaturated fat, which is not harmful for the body. Apart from protein, carbohydrate and fat, there are more vitamins and mineral salts.

Removes constipation: There is also a lot of food-fiber in Cholaya. Fractures cure constipation. Food fiber is not digested. In this way, the gut So the amount of toilet storage increases and the closet is soft.

Beneficial in diabetes: 100 grams are in cholaya: about 17 gms of protein or protein, 64 g carbohydrate or carbohydrate and 5 gm fat or oil. Glycemic index of low-fat carbohydrate or carbohydrate is low. So the sugar is good for diabetic patients. Each 100 grams of calcium contains about 200 milligrams of iron, 10 mg of iron, and 190 mg of vitamin A. There are also vitamins B-1, B-2, phosphorus and magnesium. It all comes in the way of the body.

Reduces the fat of fat: Most of the fat in the plate is silly unsaturated. This fat is not harmful for the body, but also reduces blood fat.

Relieves the disturbed feeling: After the small amount of glacieric index of sugar in the Cholaya, the body is disturbed after entering the body.

Disease: The raw molasses are consumed with raw egg and the body and urine of antibiotics are met. The protein makes humans stronger and healthier and the antibiotic develops resistance to any disease.

Eliminates the heat: The sulfur is a food ingredient that is used in this formula. Softening of the head of the sulfur, reducing the heat of the hands and feet.

Raw Gram

Removes the pain of the spinal cord: Vitamin 'B' also has adequate amounts. Vitamin 'B' reduces spinal pain, nerve weakness. The gram is very nutritious. It is a significant source of protein. It contains approximately equal amount of meat or fish. So if there is a needle in the diet, the fish is not needed after meat. Smoothing on skin The raw molasses are very beneficial. However, the low-fat frozen and frozen gram-free food prepared, which is better eat. So, the power of the family is to be able to understand the power of digestion.

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