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Food that will increase memory and brain power.

It is very important to keep the brain in mind to keep the memory alert. It is possible to keep a good memory and keep a watch.

Experts say that in the walnut there are various types of vitamins, mineralas, omega 3, fiber acids along with various types of fiber, which increases memory and also increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the body.

Fish that contain more oil in the sea, there are some elements among them; For example, fatty acids, omega-3, etc., which help in greatly improving memory.

In winter we usually eat coffee. Coffee boosts the capacity of the brain so much that it does not come easily to any serious disease.

Egg's role in enhancing the capacity of neuron in the bone and increasing antioxidant is very important. Because the eggs contain large quantities of chlorine and beneficial cholesterol.

Yellow is a great tool to increase the power of the brain. There are several Ayurvedic ingredients in the halud, which is very useful in increasing intellectualization.

Antioxidants and vitamins present in polishes do not only increase the power of the brain, but also increases performance and intelligence with it.

Coconut oil increases the power of neurons, as well as destroys various harmful germs in the body.

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