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How to keep lungs better than smoking and pollution.

Smoking habits are directly or indirectly harmful to the lungs. Besides, due to the increased pollution in the air, the lungs are damaged. Lung performance gradually decreases. There are some foods or spices that are effective in protecting the lungs from the harmful effects of pollution or smoking. For this reason, experts advised to leave the practice of smoking in order to keep the lungs healthy, as well as keep these foods in the diet. For example,

Broccoli: Many people see it as a cauliflower green leafy vegetable, which is very beneficial for the lungs. Vitamin C, fiber, iron, and antioxidant in it keep the body healthy overall. Vitamin C keeps the digestive system properly. Because of this, blood circulation of the body will be fine after playing regular broccoli. In addition, the effects of nicotine in the lungs will also be reduced.

Orange: Nicotine in cigarette reduces the amount of vitamin C in the body. Oranges have great effect to fill this shortfall. Excess fatigue and discomfort in the body due to nicotine, many of the vitamins present in oranges are cut off.

Honey: Various vitamins, enzymes and proteins in honey help to keep nicotine from the body as well as to control the urge to smoke. That is why eating a certain amount of honey daily benefits smoking.

Palanquin: Pulang sha has plenty of vitamins, fiber and minerals. They help to remove nicotine from the body.

Cabbage: Anti-oxidant-rich cabbage helps clean the body and keep the body healthy and fresh.

Grape juice: Grape juice is highly effective for toxin-free lungs. Not only that, grape juice also helps reduce the desire for smoking.

Radish: According to Ayurvedic treatment, the desire to smoke regularly reduces the desire for smoking with a glass of 1 glass of muoler and twice a day regularly.

Pepper: Multiple studies have shown that if the regular chilli is consumed regularly, the efficiency of the lungs increases.

Ginger: Adara juice is very effective in taking out smoking habits. Regular use of ginger tea or raw ginger reduces the desire to smoke slowly.

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