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Summer skin care.

During the summer, many people suffer from anxiety. Due to excessive sweating and dirt, skin becomes easily dirty. Due to this, the skin needs additional care. In this day of skin care, you can follow some things. For example,

1. Drink plenty of water in the summer. Water does not only provide moisture in the body, but also keeps the skin alive. Clear the skin before going to sleep in the morning and night. The skin should be cleaned regularly if not out of the day. There is a need to wash face with water repeatedly.

2. It is not okay to stop using moisturizers during the summer. Moisturizers provide moisture on the skin as well as keep the skin soft. But for the skin, the water base may choose moisturizer during the summer. Besides, you can use rose pajas as a domestic toner.

3. Besan skin is very effective in removing the sunburn. Mix the peas with the peas and mix them with a few drops of lemon juice. Wash after drying. Lebus juice works better to remove the scars in the sun. Papaya also works as a natural clinker. So to clean the skin, you can use two teaspoons of papaya with a teaspoon of honey and an egg white part of the skin as a face.

4. It is very necessary to keep the skin cool in summer. Mix one table spoon with a tablespoon and mix one table spoon with yogurt and apply it on the skin. Wash after 15-20 minutes. The skin will be glowing in it.

5. In summer, the skin is more incomplete due to dust. So make a paste of parchment with a spoonful of turmeric powder, five-six drops of pink and five-six spoons, and keep it on the skin. After half an hour, get rid of it. The skin will look very bright.

Besides, nutritious food, exercise and adequate sleeping skin are very important to keep the skin healthy.

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