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Hair care should be done in winter.

Due to dry air in the winter, our hair becomes dry and rough. As well as the effects of external dust also fall on the hair. As a result, there are many problems of hair starting from Khuski. But be careful if you keep yourself away from these problems. Let's take a quick look at the winter to keep hair healthy and beautiful.


1. Massage the hair and hairline with hot oil for three days a week. Wash after 30 to 40 minutes of massage. This massage helps the hair grow faster.

2. Many people have seen hair fall in the winter. To prevent this hair fall, heat oil and castor oil together with light heating. When it becomes cold, add Vitamin-E capsules or egg yolk mixed with hair. It will stop hair fall.

3. When the hair is broken, hair becomes rough and there is problem of hair growth. As a result, if there is no cut in the hair, there will be no obstruction in hair growth. Also, if the lower part of the hair is cut short then the hair tip will be good.

4. Most people have hair rough and dry in winter. So, rough and dead hair for half cup of spinach, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon olive oil or coconut oil blend well in blender. Then apply this mixture to the shampoo after 30 minutes. The hair will come in silky shape and hair will be smooth and vivid.

5. Before going to sleep at night, it is better to comb the hair with a comb. It is better to have blood circulation in the brain. Increasing blood flow in the brain will reduce hair fall and strengthen the hair.

6. To remove the problem of dandruff, paste a filling and mash leaf and mix it with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Wash after 30 minutes.

7. It is not okay to shampoo over two to three days a week. Often shampoo hair becomes dry due to its use. It is also good for hair to use mild shampoo without chemicals.

8. The sun shines on the hair Because vitamin D from the sun helps in the growth of hair. At the same time, it also improves blood circulation. Apart from these hairstyles, as well as Khan, balanced food and poor water supply.


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