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Heart disease or stroke is not only old age!

Heart disease, stroke and these are not just old diseases of old age. Many of the young people are suffering from this type of disease nowadays, and this is largely unhealthy lifestyle. Over time, our life style has changed a lot. In addition, known diseases and disorders have changed. However, being aware of this problem can be avoided.

To reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, do the following:

1. Despite many attempts to leave Slim, without fail, many people make mistakes by trying hard. To reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, there is no such thing as to become thin thin. Reduction of weight by 5 to 10 percent of the blood will begin to return to normal levels of blood cholesterol, sugar and pressure.

2. There is no alternative to healthy eating. Eat moderate amounts and get out of the table before the stomach is full.

3. Exercise a little everyday, the risk of heart attack will be reduced. Good exercise can be fast walking or swimming. Walk for 15 minutes - morning, noon and night. This will be your daily required physical exercise.

4. Do not exclude high-pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular drugs. Eat your heart disease expert as it says, there will be less chance of sudden accidents.

5. Avoid smoking. It also increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Take the help of a doctor if you need to quit smoking. Not only do not smoke yourself, but avoid the places where smoking is going on.

6. Do not ignore either breathlessness, abnormalities in the pulse motion, or excessive exhaustion, or do not sit for self-restraint. Quickly consult the doctor.

Symptoms of Heart Disease:
* Pain in the chest or arm is one of the signs of heart disease. But it is not possible to say heart disease only if chest pain. There may be pain in the back of the jaw, and the throat of Chinchin.

Many times many people say it is to burn in the chest. If so, be careful. Because it can also be a sign of heart disease.

* Indigestion, vomiting, irregular breathing can be a symptom of cardiovascular disease.

* Frequent breathing stroke occurs when heart attack. Many times the patient is sweating. It may also be in severe winter.

* Heart disease is not always sudden. Many times heart disease gradually blocks people's heart. This type of cardiovascular disease is known as 'myocardial infarction' or heart attack. In this case, one of the most uncomfortable feelings is the symptom.


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