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Five ways to keep the knees strong.

The knee is a vital joint in our body. It helps to maintain stability of feet, flexibility. Smoking, alcoholism, eating more sodium, nutritional deficiencies hurt the knee.


But if you adhere to some things, knees can be kept good. King Demik, a lifestyle website, has said some ways to strengthen the knee.

1. Massage

Massage is a great way to reduce knee pain and to strengthen the knee. It keeps blood circulation good. In this, the knee gets good nutrition; The knees are solid.

2. Swimming

Swimming is a very useful exercise to keep the knees good and reduce arthritis problems. This exercise keeps the bones strong, as well as keeping knee joint muscles around the joint.

3. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very important for keeping bones well. Vitamin D deficiency leads to increased risk of fracture and bone loss. This vitamin also requires the calcium absorption of body.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for collagen production. The main component of collagen knee cartilage. It is important for bone growth. Vitamin C works to prevent bone fracture and bone fracture.

Knee Pain

5. Inflammatory food

Pain is created when knee inflammation; Knees weaken. So need to eat plenty of inflammatory food to keep the knee good. Inflammatory foods include kotasham, sweet aloo, spinach, blueberry, avakado, ginger, garlic, olive oil, salmon, flaxid etc.

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