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What happens if you eat 4 nuts a day?

Nuts have a nice meal every day because it is full of proteins, vitamins and fiber. It is believed that regular eating reduces the risk of health problems like cancer, heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes.


And even though they have a lot of fat, it's a healthy account type that really protects your heart. Nevertheless, nuts contain plenty of calories, so restraint is good for them to eat.
It may seem incredible that only four nut nuts can do something for your health, but it is true! You get 3.5 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein and 9 grams of account-balanced fat in one ounce of nuts. Nuts supply a good amount of Vitamin E, manganese and magnesium. Small but significant quantities of copper, calcium, riboflavin, iron, zinc and phosphorus are present.
So, what can you do to all that good for your body? If you are eating at least 4 nuts, you will be surprised at these 7 important benefits.

1. Healthy cholesterol levels

Better to increase the good HDL cholesterol when bad lalol is good for cholesterol reduction. This is important because high cholesterol puts you at risk of all types of health complications like heart attack, stroke and peripheral arterial disease.

When you replace the nuts for unhealthy foods as chips or sweets, you can reduce your bad cholesterol up to 10%. This benefit relates to the content of vitamin E in the flavonoids on the skin of nuts and nuts. Together, they prevent the development of block artery plaque.
A strong and bright hair

Nuts are in a unique position to supply all the vitamins and minerals needed to improve your hair condition. There are stimulating growth, nut magnesium and zinc. There are antioxidant properties to reduce Vitamin E oxidative stress and strengthen hair. And finally, Vitamin B drops the straps and provides a natural shine.

However, almond oil application on scalp can dandruff and nour smooth and straight hair strands. Almond oil has been used as a beauty product for both hair and skin, because ancient Egyptians considered the bumper as the superiority of luxurious products.

3. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Nuts have many elements that create a smart sandwich for their heart. Monounsaturated fats can help to control high cholesterol, for example. But fiber, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and plant sterols also benefit heart disease.

Almonds are also a great source of L-arginine, the arterial wall has been shown to flex and therefore, the possibility of blocking blood flow to low blood clot and can cause intestines to become the heart. Do not forget to get all these benefits for heart disease, as well as holes.

4. Low wrinkles

We all want to prevent premature growth, and nuts can help them due to their manganese and vitamin E-content. Magnesium is a protein that helps in the production of collagen.
The collagen is attached to the skin inside the tissue that is firm and smooth. Vitamin E is able to absorb UV radiation from the sun and protect against skin damage, which reduces the presence of dark spots and forks. It reduces the inflammation of the skin and removes the tract.

5. Good pans

Bad shells are a great source of probiotics, which support good bacterial growth and quality in our gut. Intestinal bacteria are responsible for metabolizing nutritious food and medicines. It protects against intestinal infection and produces vitamins, which are important for blood clotting protein production.


Prebiotics feed these important intestinal bacteria but beyond that, recent research indicates that the regular cost of prebiotic foods can improve the immune system function and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and bloated arthritis.

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